Every once in a while, licensed rescuers stumble upon unexpected surprises hidden in the weirdest places.
This time, it was Karenlynn Stracher, a long-time rescuer at Long Island Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation, New York.
When a group of local workers attempted to change a water meter in a well in Levittown, they noticed strange movement at the very bottom.
Stunned by what they had just seen, the men assumed it was caused by a helpless furry friend who had unfortunately become trapped in the well. After their assumption was confirmed, they contacted Stracher for the rescue!
What Is It
Source: @wildliferehab_kl
Peering into the well, this New York rescuer couldn’t properly identify the animal trapped below. At first, all she could see was a dark hole with nothing unusual.
Then, movement occurred.
As she was already recording her observations on video, Stracher immediately zoomed in and spotted a helpless furry creature sitting at the bottom.
Source: @wildliferehab_kl
Taking a closer look, she realized it was a cottontail rabbit.
The animal appeared so scared and traumatized that it barely breathed.
With a human above it, the rabbit tried to remain as incognito as possible. However, Stracher didn’t want to waste time. After all, this little bud could have been seriously injured, and she wanted to help it as soon as possible.
On the other hand, she didn’t want to risk causing the animal more trauma. Cottontail rabbits are well-known for their fearful nature to the extent that it can lead to the worst-case scenario.
Source: @wildliferehab_kl
She took a catch pole and slowly lowered it into the well, trying to capture the furball in need.
Unfortunately, after several attempts to catch the rabbit, she was unable to do so. Then, another idea popped into her mind!
Stay Safe, Little Friend
Source: @wildliferehab_kl
Instead of relying on a catch pole only, Stracher used a different approach. She took a net in her other hand and then tried to lure the rabbit into it with the pole.
During this attempt, the rabbit froze completely, allowing for a safe capture with the pole. She then slowly pulled him back up into the light. The moment his tiny paws touched the grass, the rabbit frantically bolted into the field.
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♬ original sound – KL the Wildlife Rehabilitator
The entire group was relieved to see the animal hop away.
The rescue itself was no picnic. In fact, this was Stracher’s first-ever situation like this. Typically, meter wells are not left uncovered, and it is not common for animals to be found in them.
Fortunately, this little rabbit emerged completely unharmed despite having fallen deeply into the well.
Stracher and her fellow rescuers will continue with their compassionate work, helping many other animals in need find their way out of unfortunate situations.